How To Repair Peeling Chrome Rims
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"How to remove chrome plating peeling off of rims!"
An ongoing discussion first back in 2006 ...
Q. I take recently been given some rims that the chrome plating on the Aluminum rims is peeling off. I am wondering if in that location is another way other than Muriatic Acid [affil. link to info/production on Amazon] which eats the aluminum. I have tested this on a chrome plated thermostat housing and the results were not adept. Start it wasn't long enough in the acid then I tried it once more after cleaning it off then I let it sit for 15 min and it turned it blackness it cleaned upward after sanding just was pitted and no longer usable I accept too tried a grinder and am afraid to go besides far and hit the aluminum. Please assist if you lot have any info.
Jonathan Schumann
mechanic - Bismarck, N Dakota
Q. I have the same trouble, and I cannot discover out how to remove the chrome but then far I been peeling some off, but can't get the rest, I'm going to get to couple body shops and ask, simply anyone else has a comment bout them reply here. thanks
Blake Pfoutz
- Lafayette, Indiana
A. Reverse electric current in fifteen% sulfuric acrid will remove the chrome and underlying nickel without damage to the aluminum, but I don't call back you want to do this at home. Virtually plating shops tin easily do this for y'all.
Jeffrey Holmes, CEF
Spartanburg, Due south Carolina
"Automotive Cheap Tricks and Special F/X"
past Craig Fraser
from Abe Books
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A. Sandblasting, it'due south going to exist the easiest and safest way to remove the chrome with minimal pitting and textile removal.
If yous don't have sandblasting gear, bank check with your local welding shops and see if they can help you out.
Marc Banks
Blacksmith - Elizabeth Urban center, Due north Carolina
Apr 2, 2008
A. I recall when I wanted to take chrome off my bicycle bike I would put fire to it (direct fire) the chrome would peel and was hands scraped off. sand and painted.
I'm about to do some rims off my truck from chrome to polished.
Edwin James
- Brooklyn New York
April 6, 2008
! Hi, Edwin. Thank you for joining in and helping. But I don't remember I tin agree. Maybe you lot successfully burned off shiny chrome-await paint? I personally don't think yous can remove real nickel-chrome plating that style.
Ted Mooney , P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Embankment, New Bailiwick of jersey
March 28, 2019
A. accept heated up chrome plated emblems with propane torch and the chrome starts to bit off and Shrink then fell off
Michael Baltzer
- Nova Scotia
July 9, 2008 -- this entry appended to this thread by editor in lieu of spawning a duplicative thread
Q. Can anyone help: my machine wheels are chrome plated; 1 has started to peel and it's peeling off similar wall paper.
The other iii wheels are fine merely now I have 1 bad one can anyone aid with ideas for a D-I-Y strip that won't harm the wheel underneath the chrome.
The cycle that has started to pare has what looks like a nice smoothen black paint underneath so if I could get the chrome off myself I want take to get repainted as I wanted them black as the chrome is terrible.
Any assistance would exist great. Cheers ROB
robert allen
hobbyist - bridgend south. wales UK
A. Hi Robert. If there's black paint underneath, they certainly are not chrome electroplated. Sounds like shiny chrome-look paint or PVD Chrome.
Ted Mooney , P.E.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
November 6, 2008
Q. I recently bought a set of Keystone Klassic rims which were chipped scuffed and the chrome was peeling on all of them. I work at my dad's repair store and stayed after hours to effort different ways to become information technology off, and so far accept been somewhat unsuccessful. I tried sand-blasting them, and it worked great to take off the majority of the chrome, but had minimal consequence on the sides and edges which weren't peeling. I used a resin pad on an air tool to remove the rest on one but information technology left the aluminum shiny and chrome-like, I am now trying to find a better way to rough up the smoothed aluminum while also looking for a different method of removal. I was wondering if there are more annoying mixtures bachelor for the sand-diggings method (other than glass beads)that anyone has whatever feel with. or maybe a cleaner that volition assistance. (P.South. the repair shop my dad owns is strictly mechanical, body repair is just hobby of my ain, so I accept express resources of which to apply) Whatsoever ideas?
Terry Knutson
- Bowbells, N Dakota
December 15, 2011
"How to Restore Metallic Car Trim"
past Jeff Lilly
from Abe Books
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Q. Hey guys, basically same question most everyone is asking. "How practise I strip the chrome off"
I got a set of aluminum wheels that are chrome plated. I'thousand the kinda guy like some that effort's to do it all on a budget. Not the biggest fan of chrome and I want to black out these wheels. Would information technology be worth my effort to simply have the wheels powdercoated black or spend countless hours trying to strip them my self to then paint my self!
Suggestions or comments?
Brandon H [final name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Silverton, Oregon, United States
Feb 14, 2012
A. Hey I institute a really easy, quick and kinda cool way to remove chrome by blow. I was at piece of work using my make new chrome, Matco wrenches when I got battery corrosion on the xiii mm. Then of grade, what's right in front of me: battery terminal cleaner! Sweet, it comes right off...OH FUDGE (but the other word, lol) my chrome's gone too! So yeah anyways, battery terminal cleaner.
Dillon Mckean
- Sierra Vista, Arizona
Feb 21, 2012
Q. Bombardment Terminal Cleaner? Actually?
If that really works, I'thousand impressed!
Chad Kelly
- Yuma, Arizona
April 4, 2013
A. This was most likely not due to the cleaner merely due to the sulfuric acid in the bombardment corrosion. Sulfuric acrid is used in chrome removal every bit well as car batteries. Yous tin can use sulfuric acid to remove chrome by submerging your part in information technology and hooking up a car battery to the office. The negative concluding or cathode. Hook the anode or positive terminal to a lead bar or only something lead and submerging that to. Scout it bubble. Check the part regularly and be conscientious this stuff is unsafe! It'south called electrolysis and is the reverse of how they chrome plate. Thanks.
Charles Cook
- Batavia Ohio
April v, 2013
A. Hi Charles. Thanks. Y'all have correctly identified the cathode as the negative terminal (I similar the mneumonic 'andode & canthode' to remember the plus and minus), simply yous have the terminals reversed in your description because the item you want to de-plate must be continued to the positive last so electrons are removed from it causing the metallic to convert to positively charged ions.
Ted Mooney , P.East.
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Embankment, New Jersey
May 8, 2013
Q. I need a little help here. I have a chrome plated [existent sparse] sabbatical comprehend off an old machine that I am powder blanket. I started out bead diggings information technology merely to etch it upwards some. Well as I am doing this a pocket-size department of the chrome flies off, so I started to meet if I could just blast the rest off. Well, it would not release any more than chrome. I blast information technology at 135 lbs of force per unit area and still no more chrome will come off. I know now that I have to get all the chrome off but no more will come off. This has to exist done before I glaze information technology. I just don't know what to practice. Please if you know what I need to do to go the remainder of this chrome off, delight feel free to assist me out here. Cheers.
Robert Knick
- Guyton, Georgia
June 12, 2013
A. Robert,
Near of the chemic methods I know of to remove chrome are moderately to heavily toxic and best handled by a professional plating shop, they would besides not exist price effective for you I'd think.
Here'southward what I suggest, take a wire bike on an angle grinder to it, or a flap wheel, and scuff the heck out of the surface, and then get dorsum in and sand boom again. Check the areas where the chrome was with a chemical indicator to see if it'south at that place or gone.
Marc Banks
Blacksmith - Boone, Northward Carolina, USA
June 14, 2013
Marc Banks.
Marc, I did something just similar yous said and it came out not bad. Once I coated it with powder, allow it cure -- human being it was awesome. It really was. But thanks a whole lot for your help. I hope this could aid someone else.
Robert Knick [returning]
- Guyton, Georgia, U.S.
Remove chrome from aluminum rims with muriatic acid
April 19, 2016
Q. How badly volition a 30% muriatic acid solution assail aluminum and effectively assist strip the chrome? I'd similar to become some aid in removing the chrome but would detest to ruin the aluminum of the wheels. I plan on sanding and painting after removing the loose chrome and achieving an fifty-fifty surface.
Orion Alnitak
- Springfield, Massachusetts U.s.a.
April 2016
A. Hi Orion. In the narrowest sense of the word, yes, muriatic acid volition deliquesce chromium. But the plating on wheels is not "chrome" (that'southward just slang), it's a heavy layer of nickel plating followed by a thin flash of chrome ... and muriatic acid will not remove the nickel plating. The nickel plating is more resistant to muriatic acid than the aluminum is.
Please consider Jeffrey'due south suggestion of sending them to a plating shop for electro-stripping, or Marker'southward suggestion of flap bike sanding and diggings. Practiced luck.
Ted Mooney , P.East. RET
Striving to alive Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
![]() | Hydrochloric acid strips Nickel along with Chrome in Nickel-Chrome PlatingSeptember 9, 2016Q. Hello Everyone, We are trying to strip but the chrome off of Nickel-Chrome plating, merely Nickel also gets stripped off. Could anyone provide insight into this issue? Whatsoever insight would be appreciated. Thanks, - Mumbai, India ^ September 2016 A. Hi Adi. Obviously y'all already know that this is non the usual case and volition not happen in a reliable fashion. But I call back that if you carefully particular your situation, people might be able to help. Are you lot a plating shop? Did y'all do the plating yourself so you lot know at that place is nickel plating under the chrome? What is the substrate. What is the HCl concentration. How long did you lot strip for? Without facts, the state of affairs could exist virtually anything including the possibility that this is a piece that really had chrome-wait paint rather than existent nickel-chrome plating on it. Full details please! Regards, |
October 24, 2016
Q. The chrome is peeling/flaking off of my 20' wheels that came in a package for my 2014 TSS Tundra. I see a nice blackness stop beneath the chrome foil (that's what it looks similar to me... lol) and would like to know a quick and safety way to get rid of all the chrome to betrayal the overnice black finish on the wheels please? It seems ALL TSS Tundras have this same issue and the dealerships in the US would replace information technology merely existence that I'one thousand from the islands, corporate offices is giving me the runaround if not flat out ignoring me. Any information you could requite me is greatly appreciated. P.S. I bought the auto in Texas and shipped information technology habitation. Thanks a agglomeration!
Melisa Jack
- Saipan, MP (CNMI - US Territory)
November fifteen, 2016
A. Your wheels are PVD (Concrete Vapour Deposition) chrome, you cannot remove simply the nano chrome/articulate glaze. You need to strip using a total paint strip organisation done professionally. The black powder primer needs to likewise be removed, it volition be removed at the aforementioned time every bit chrome/clear finishes. Wheels can so be blasted and re pulverization coated. Budget $175-300 per corner.
Andy McIntosh
alloy wheel specialists - London, ON, Canada
February twenty, 2017
Q. I have a set of Foose legend rims that take the aforementioned problem every bit the person with the Toyota Tundra.. The chrome flick and a clear motion-picture show has peeled off in flakes. Of course they said if I pay shipping to ship it back to California they would "consider warranting the rim". BTW the rim is just 9 months one-time and hasn't even been on my car for the last iv months.
Anyway ... I was interested in doing the same thing with my rims, and removing all the chrome to expose the shiny black surface underneath. Anyone know of a store in the Chicago area that tin can do this. Or a chemical spray that would allow me to remove the chrome film and articulate movie off the rims. It actually looks like tint paper that is coming off.
Jim Bays
- Chicago, Illinois
March 24, 2017
A. It has been my feel that removing chrome to and so powdercoat is a timely task. Blasting chrome with media will remove the top layer of chromium adequately quickly but the layer of nickel and sometimes copper takes a lot of work. If you accept access to a plating shop that will reverse the awarding and it is in your budget they go that road. Still if blasting is the only method available to you the plan on paying for an extended chiffonier labor fee. Clear coating on wheels can be only removed with aircraft aluminum stripper but beware disposing regulations. Podwercoating and chrome are by far some of the toughest finishes available and the toughest to remove make certain of your choice of finish before you purchase for changing can cost almost as much every bit a new purchase.
Gifford Farmer
G&G Media Blasting - Waynesville, North Carolina,Us
Gold plating over chrome that's not in greatest shape?
May 3, 2017
Q. How-do-you-do I simply started gold plating. I've plated some small items, and now I'thousand aureate plating some chrome motorcar wheels. While the wheels wait expert and are still shiny, when upwardly shut you do see some wear to the chrome compared to a new fix where the chrome is thick and perfect. My question is would using brilliant nickel afterwards stripping increase the appearance of gold and brightness? I've washed one wheel that I cleaned, hand polished, stripped, activated, and gold plated and it looks good but you can see upwards close the defects under the gilt -- scratches, cloudy (trying my best to describe)? Whatsoever advice would be helpful, or are the wheels doomed? Just trying to detect out how to get the best end on chrome that's not new on used rims? Thank you
Pablo Roca
Hobbyist - Acworth, Georgia, USA
May 2017
"Automobiles of the Chrome Age"
past Michael Furman
from Abe Books
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A. Hullo Pablo. Information technology tin can exist a large spring from "small items" to wheels :-)
Second only to plating of jewelry, gold plating chrome machine emblems is the easiest thing there is, because you simply strip a few millionths of an inch of chrome from beautifully prepared, highly reflective, nickel plated manufactures, and put a few millionths of an inch of gold in its place.
Although I'm non sure that I understand you 100%, it seems you have stripped the chrome and, having done then, discovered that the underlying nickel is non in very good condition. The gold plating is not going to exist flashy unless the nickel plating under information technology is flashy; it'due south not going to be corrosion resistant if the nickel plating is porous, pin-holed, or otherwise compromised; and it's non going to conceal any scratches.
I recollect you are on the right track in your belief that nickel plating will prove necessary, but I do fear that information technology may not prove as easy as your feel in gold plating small items might have led you to believe. I hope they are your wheels rather than someone else'south because success is not guaranteed. Practiced luck.
Ted Mooney , P.E. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pino Embankment, New Jersey
May 4, 2017
Q. Thank you Ted Mooney for your helpful response, only I was told I can't brilliant nickel plate over nickel because it won't stick?
Were you referring to nickel plating, and not vivid nickel plating? How would I nickel plate over again? Is this a procedure where the wheel would have to be dipped or could I nickel plate myself? Thanks
Pablo Roca [returning]
- Acworth, Georgia, U.s.
A. Hullo, Pablo. I'm not the plating sheriff so as far equally I'm concerned, yous're welcome to try whatever type of plating you wish. But again, in my own personal opinion, in proceeding from golden plating trinkets to gold plating erstwhile & damaged chrome wheels you lot will be trying to leap a big chasm with a number of small jumps :-)
Yous were told correctly that you lot can't brilliant nickel plate over nickel because it won't stick. So now you will be into having to learn to practice a "Wood's Nickel Strike" on your wheels commencement, before you learn to do bright nickel plating on them, earlier you learn what is unlike well-nigh gold plating a bike versus a trinket. Best of luck with information technology, but some smaller jumps in feel is what I'd recommend.
Ted Mooney , P.East. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Did plating shop corrode my wheels?
June 2, 2017
Q. Hi,
My alloys were originally chrome and then repainted over the chrome a few years ago.
After some time the chrome has started coming off in strips forth with the pigment.
Took i of my alloys to a shop that put it in acid to strip and tried to re powder coat.
when collecting the wheel from the shop I noticed what looks similar a lot of corrosion on the inside of the rim some of which is fairly deep.
Can someone advise on what could have caused this as the shop is stating that the corrosion was already there.
Have checked the other rear wheel and it doesn't have any major corrosion on the inside. there was a lot of white balance all over the outside where the chrome was just lifting off.
Whatsoever help would exist much appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Gary Ross
- Glasgow, E Kilbride, Great britain
June 2017
Hi Gary. Someone might perchance be able to help you, simply don't be surprised if they don't. People are generally balky to involving themselves in other folks' contract disputes, which is what this sounds like, when they have at very best one side of the story, and even that is rather incomplete :-)
Ted Mooney , P.Due east. RET
Striving to alive Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
June seven, 2017
A. Howdy Garry
Route wheels operate in some of the near aggressive environments that surfaces are expected to face up.
Your question has 2 clues. E Kilbride has harsh winters with lots of common salt on the roads and you say the wheels were re-painted some years ago. Old alloy wheels corrode! That is why there are so many companies specialising in re-finishing them.
Chrome plating on alloys can fix corrosion issues and painting on top makes the state of affairs worse.
Your all-time bet is probably to go them polished.
Geoff Smith
Hampshire, England
Chrome peeling / curb rash
February 19, 2020
Q. Hi, just came beyond this thread as I am looking for ways to repair my chrome clad wheels on a 2011 caddy dts. I just bought it so noticed some adjourn rash on driver's side rear bicycle. The other 3 look new. The rash is but minor but has acquired some modest patches of chrome to become footing off. The expanse is at the end of spoke (it's a 9-spoke cap ) on 3 of the spokes in an area of most 1,2 inch patch. It'south plastic underneath. Can I just go some chrome paint & touch it upward or should I sand / clean 1st & maybe put some type of resin / epoxy over 1st to proceed more chrome from peeling? Thanks, Marty
Marty Parlos
- Pendleton, Indiana
February 2020
A. Hi Marty. Others on this page were discussing wheels; you are discussing a plastic hubcap, which changes the economical situation. Have you lot priced one at a Cadillac dealer?
Some sanding, perhaps body putty, and some spray pigment that looks shiny is probably all that tin be justified.
Ted Mooney , P.Due east. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Embankment, New Jersey
Feb 25, 2020
Q. Thank you for the response Ted. I did contact the dealer body shop & was told they replace the whole wheel with a new ane at a price of $500-$1000 dollars or to contact an aftermarket distributor. He said they don't sell just the "CHROME CLAD CAP". I explained afterward marketers sell caps for other cars including Cadillacs only not this way Mf #'sOEM: 09597243, 9597242, FPM OEM Option: N80. I explained I'd watched on pages where they can get the cap off & re-affix a new cap onto the sometime bike. I just have a difficult time believing they don't have this style cap as in the aftermarket they sell reconditioned wheels? I've seen other comparable caps for $50-$75 dollar range. Other than ordering a new cycle they couldn't help me. I realize touch up can't supervene upon real chrome so but looking for a way to make it look improve & concluding awhile also. I thought about putting an agglutinative putty like JB WELD to keep the chrome from continuing to peel & the sand down to a smooth finish & touch upwardly paint. Over again I cheers for your comment and I would appreciate any advice offered. Marty
Marty Parlos [returning]
- Pendleton, Indiana
February 2020
A. Hi over again. Distressing, I've never looked at one of those wheels or really thought almost it. Maybe I'll larn meliorate some day and have to repent, but for now I'll say that making a inexpensive, easily damaged plastic hubcap a permanent not-removeable part of a $500-$1000 automobile wheel sounds like a ludicrous design.
I bought only GM cars from 1968-2005, so GM acted in a way I plant duplicitous in a warranty/defect affair, stringing me forth for two years, claiming they had 'opened a file on the discipline', while I paid their service center to take the same defect repaired the 3rd time, and I swore off GM for life; thanks for helping me not regret my decision :-)
Yes, JB Weld is fine stuff, and if yous can get some under the loose edges earlier sanding, that would be great.
Ted Mooney , P.East. RET
Striving to live Aloha - Pine Beach, New Jersey
Feb 25, 2020
A. Take you tried salvage yards for a good one off a wreck?
Jeffrey Holmes, CEF
Spartanburg, Southward Carolina
February 25, 2020
Cheers for the suggestion. That did cantankerous my heed and I checked a local g and no luck. Information technology's a pull-a-part where you go back and observe i similar yours. Trouble is this car is now 9 yrs old & although in excellent shape finding a prissy one volition probably be hard to find. I programme on expanding my search surface area as the weather breaks here in Indiana and they get more cars in sporadically. The wheels on these cars ordinarily won't last more than than a couple of days if they're dainty. I'm kinda a junkyard dog since at one time I had iv daughters in higher at the same fourth dimension and trying to keep all their cars and mine running was, well to say the least, a monumental job every bit since I was & even so am broke paying the bills. I am open to whatsoever & all suggestions and appreciate your input. Fifty-fifty at my age I can still learn. Again, thanks, Marty.
Marty Parlos [returning]
- Pendleton, Indiana
Feb 29, 2020
A. Keep looking.
There are websites to which relieve yards subscribe, then 1 asking past you will go out to many.
Too information technology's worth checking ebay. There are many salvage parts listed in that location.
Somewhere in that location is a wrecked car with a good wheel cover.
Jeffrey Holmes, CEF
Spartanburg, South Carolina
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